There are times, more often than you might think where the amount of effort put into building a business exceeds the amount of actual work you are doing for you business, I spend a lot of time building it! and that’s all good, it’s all progressive and steers the way forward to the goal. Thankfully in this day and age we have so many ways to do this, for me it’s all about networking, the people we meet there and the relationships we build, relationships build business! and anyone who knows me will assure you I do like to talk … It is the actual idea of building a relationship that builds business although not initially but those initial efforts work.
I concern myself with two networking outlets, both as amazing as each other, both as powerful and both equally worthy of checking out if you have not done so already. Networking is key to business growth for the sheer amount of people and opportunities is can bring. Buzz is relaxed, make the most of that, it allows you to be you and that’s the first major selling point. Buzz was developed by Katrina Sergent and Simon George and their team is now huge, I, along side Howard Feather host Abingdon Buzz, every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Nags Head in Abingdon.
Firstly, Business Buzz ( which as a networking event is just the most relaxed and yet powerful development tool for your business, based on the very key idea of building those all important relationships which in turn and time pay back with dividends. Buzz is a 2 hour meeting from 10-12 on just about everyday of the working week somewhere so do check out the map to see where you local Buzz is happening, give it a try, you may be surprised who you meet in the room! Buzz events are prices at £8 per visit with no other commitment whatsoever.
OBCN or the Oxford Business Community Network ( is run by a good friend of mine Ben Thompson. In a similar way but with a little more essence of the 121 head to head within each meeting which is usually two breakfast meets and two virtual meetings per month. Membership is well prices at just £25 a month and that introduces you too many many people.
Networking has been the absolute key to the future of Starstream and the Oxford Drone Company, meeting new connections building those all important relationships and building business … and many collaborations can be explored, above a planning session with Psyona from Psyfly ( and is a new collaboration but powerful already combining our skill sets to establish both our businesses in the world of drone photography and 3D mapping.