The food! oh and the person and that’s great especially when it turns out to be a pleasure and so it was today as I met up with ace drone flyer Psyona Williams from who is a extremally talented flyer and such a joy to be with. and so it begins …
So lunch was key, great food at the Kings Arms in Sandford and a great way to start talking about collaborations and we are both flyers we just know there is some big work out there where we can team up to be a quite formidable flying focused force to bring data to the client and it’s really nice to work with someone from time to time, so much of our work is solo and to have that other person to key off can be amazingly encouraging. We covered a lot today, so much on the same vein of through and we’ll be hooking up very soon to shoot some amazing footage for a new showreel so expect something smashing 🙂
DId I mention the good food there? Oh I did, fab, here you go then …
Nom with a capital NOM! 🙂
Anyway, quick update, more to follow soon, exciting times 🙂
@psyonawilliams #starstream #oxforddronecompany #markrayson #UAVTEAM #uavflyers #droneflyer